‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Disappoints


Alice Chambers (Florence Pugh) and Jack Chambers (Harry Styles) in “Don’t Worry Darling.”

Jadon Ware, Staff Writer

Olivia Wilde’s highly anticipated drama, and drama surrounded, “Don’t Worry Darling” released September 23rd, disappointing many viewers after the drama-filled release was expected to be a much more thrilling and interesting watch.

While ratings were heading down before the film hit theaters for the public, many still were expecting it to be one of the top films of the year. The film includes stars such as Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Chris Pine, amongst many others, all of which
performed relatively well. Despite this,the chemistry between actors seemed disconnected, like there was something missing throughout the entire film.

Nonetheless, the cinematography is great, with the sets creating an atmosphere that really sucks you in. While watching, it makes you feel like you’re in the 1950’s along with the characters.

Details are hidden within the set behind the old time decor and color palette, which is a sneaky and smart way to further develop the story behind the main plot. Although the cinematography is great, the movie suffers from a lack of payoff. To understand the film somewhat fully, you might have to watch it 2 or 3 times to comprehend what you had just seen. While this is a nice concept, and would have worked if plot lines were connected thoroughly, the payoff of fully understanding the movie is just not worth it. The entire plot relies on a plot twist that just doesn’t hit as hard as it could’ve and should’ve.

The flow of the story is hard to follow, as it starts off slow, but as it continues it gets deeper and deeper into a hole of confusion if you look away from the screen for more than a second. There is a great depth to the story, but figuring it out is the equivalent of trying to solve 5 Rubik’s cubes with one hand at the same time.

While there are some great highs and lows in Don’t Worry Darling, the highs are very high but the lows are so very low, making for a mediocre film.