The Torch

University High School Student News

The Torch

The Torch

Track And Field Races Towards Success


 This school year’s Track and Field spring season has come to a close. The varsity teams have surpassed individual records and excelled in competitions.

  The boys lost many of their top players from last year when the senior class graduated. Despite this setback, the team has made commendable strides at improving performance. The girl’s team advanced to regionals this season and scored highly with players like Nyrania Barr-Miller placing 3rd in the 100 yard hurdles. 

   Finding new players to take over can be a challenging process for any team. It was particularly difficult for the girls team as they were unable to find enough players to compete at a higher level. “Both boys and girls have done so well this season, all of the girls are going to regionals. It was hard starting with a basically new team for the boys, but each race they beat their own records and keep improving,” said Coach Laird.

   Although this season was a success, the teams are still looking ahead. “I thought we did alright this season. I think that next year to get our scores up we can commit to going to practice more,” said junior William Hernandez. They remain hopeful that next season they will continue down their path of progress.

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About the Contributor
Cricket Wainman
Cricket Wainman, Editor
Cricket is currently a sophomore at UHS and a Valencia Dual Enrollment student. This is her second year as a Staff Writer for The Torch and her first as an editor.  Some of her favorite hobbies are reading, playing video games, and watching her favorite shows. Cricket has four cats and loves hanging out with Ali.
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