Varsity Boys Baseball Keeps Swinging

Alison Walker and Cricket Wainman

The Varsity Baseball team has had a rocky season, with a 4-16 record thus far. However things are looking up since their recent game against Freedom High School where they won 12-3. 

   The team has made many efforts towards improvement, not only through physical training- but also by collaborating as a group during games and working together during practices. “We’ve worked well as a team throughout this season, the more games you play, the more you can build up that chemistry,” said junior player Andrew Solovjov.

  The team’s recent losses against Winter Park were difficult, but with the help of Coach Sean Comfort, the players have been able to use the loss to improve their game. “Winter Park’s a good team, they have a lot of seniors. We did the best we could with what we had, but they’re just a challenging opponent,” said Comfort. Despite their disadvantages, the team has strived to improve throughout the season


  The team competed with Lyman for their Senior Night last Friday and Coach Comfort was confident they would win. “I feel good about that. It’s a good matchup and we’ll be honoring our five seniors.

   The 7-5 win against Lyman boosted morale for players, “Senior Night was a good game. It was great for us to win and get back on our feet and back into the game,” said sophomore player Lucas Livingston.