The Torch

University High School Student News

The Torch

The Torch

Meet The 2024 FFA President: Olivia Barton


Q: What are your plans after graduation?

  I will attend Yale University in the fall where I plan to major in anthropology.


Q: How did you figure out your passion or career?

  As someone with interests in many academic areas, I’ve alternated between a lot of career ideas and the decision is far from final. Right now I am interested in pursuing law because I think it is a field well suited to my skill set.


Q: What piece of advice would you share with your younger self?

  I would tell my younger self to keep working hard but also to cherish the memories you make with people. Your academics are important but so is spending time with friends and family. I would also tell her to take time for herself and that everything will work out.


Q: What is the easiest way to give back to your community?

  I think the easiest way to give back to your community is to find something you’re passionate about and incorporate that into your community service. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter. This not only allows you to make a difference, but it also means something to you personally.


Q: What is your proudest achievement in or outside high school?

  My proudest achievement outside of high school has been my involvement with Girl Scouts, specifically earning my Gold Award. This is the highest award in scouts and requires girls to create a sustainable solution to a problem in their community and dedicate 80 hours to it. I’ve also been involved with leading a group of younger scouts, and watching them grow over the years has been an immense privilege. I’ve had countless opportunities through Girl Scouts that I wouldn’t have had elsewhere and I’m extremely proud of the impact I had.


Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself in a stable career, doing something that makes me happy and makes a difference for others. I don’t have a set path I want to follow because I’m open to exploring my interests, I just know that I want to find some fulfillment, whether that be through pursuing higher education, my relationships, or my career.

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Ashton Young
Ashton Young, Staff Writer
Ashton Young is currently a sophomore at UHS, and this is his first year as Staff Writer on The Torch. He enjoys reading and visiting national or state parks. He appreciates and listens to all kinds of music and his favorite film is Reservoir Dogs.
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