Clubs Take on Campus Beautification Process

Latinos In Action decorate their planter during seventh period.

Ale Lossing

University High School’s campus is currently undergoing a beautification process that many of the school’s clubs are contributing to.

    The beautification process consists of certain clubs being assigned a planter in the courtyard by the principal and given the chance to decorate that planter. “Each club has their own specific planter and we painted the planter blue for school pride. We really wanted to make the school look more beautiful,” said junior Lacharri Burgos. 

  Many public schools have limited resources when it comes to making campus improvements, but Principal Tom Ott has taken the initiative, along with other staff members and students, to try to improve the look of the campus.. “Being a principal of a public school, we have limited resources and as a principal we have to look at what we can accomplish with what we can. But one of the resources that we have are a lot of students and staff that are willing to help improve the campus. The idea came with the pride from our students and administrators and the willingness of them to not only make the campus look better, but to have them show off their school spirit at the same time,” said Ott. 

   As many students have noticed, the colors have started to brighten around campus. “The idea was first mentioned at Cougar Council where all the clubs meet, and Mr. Ott brought this project up and assigned planters to the clubs. We are the first club to start,” said Ms. Josephina Bolton, one of the leaders of Latinos in Action. 

   JCC is also working on their contribution to the beautification process, while also using it as a promotion tactic. “We are planning on planting rocks and flowers. This planter will serve as a way for us to promote upcoming events and information like the prom and all of its important details,” said junior Marissa Ritz, treasurer of Junior Class Cabinet.