The FFA ( Future farmer of America) fair occurred on February 28th, at The Central Florida Fair.
UHS has joined the FFA fair through the donation of animals such as chickens, geese, sheep, pigs,and steer (male cow). Through this donation, they are hoping to raise money from the event. “ Getting ready for this event is challenging for the students as students will have to stay after school about 4-5 hours per week to help work and train the animals,” said FFA sponser Hailey Cheatham.
Animals learn to “brace” or “set” in specific positions to show off their beat features.” Students learn to walk their animals and get them to brace or set into the required position. Even for something as small as a chicken you have to train them to be used to being held and to sit in a specific position,” said Cheatham.
One of the things that students need to do prior to entering the fair is to make sure that they have all the essential equipment needed for their animal. “ I felt very confident going into the fair and felt happy hearing that my hard work paid off,” said sophomore Emma Alvarez.
FFA fair requires the students to have motivation in showing their best self in their animals and theirself. “ I made sure to get a goodnight sleep and eat a proper meal before heading into the event. I was happy to hear that I had won the Herdsman award,” said junior D’Andre Curry.