Daddy’s Head was released in theaters on October 10th. This psychological horror film follows a dysfunctional family starring Julia Brown (Laura), Charles Aitken (James), and Rupert Turnbull (Isaac). This movie did a fantastic job of bringing a disturbingly realistic twist on a supernatural conflict, in a way that made it down right terrifying.
The story follows a little boy named that has lost his mom causing the dad to be remarried but shortly dies after leaving the kid with his stepmom. Due to the sudden pressure of having to raise a child by herself, she goes into a depression leaving Isaac vulnerable. The director Benjamin Barfoot crafted the story in a fashion that makes it simple for viewers to understand the direction that the story is heading instead of leaving the audience in the dark.
The characters were well portrayed and well thought out due to the importance of their role to the story. The main character Laura was able to bring out a true-to-life portrayal that still wanted to help the kid out even when she knew it would be at great personal cost to herself. This writing choice helped intensify the mood and raise the stakes throughout the story.
The primary antagonist of the story was the monster impersonating the deceased father. He repeatedly attempts to trick the boy by luring him into a false sense of security in order to take him back to the underworld where he emerged from. The brilliance of the design of that character was one of the strongest scare-factors of the story due to the shocking resemblance that the monster had.
Overall, my favorite aspect of this movie is the intertwining of the characters and the suspense it created by doing so. The story left the audience and I on-edge and unsure of what would happen next.