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University High School Student News

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The Torch

Flag Football Team Is On the Rise


    University’s girls Varsity flag football team season ended with a 6-7 record while JV finished with a final 0-3.

   The season served as a learning experience for the team, helping them further develop, and bringing them closer together. Their hard work and dedication has resulted in a successful season. “We did really well this year, we worked as a team, even though we ended the session with a 6-7 we did a lot better than we thought we would, we learned to communicate which made a big difference,” said senior Shaelyn Toledo. Although the end is near for this spring season, the influence that it has had on the players will remain. “I loved this season, I think this is our best season so far, my favorite memory is our very first win against Evans, everyone was very happy. As a team we are very close. Even now that the season is over, we still text in the group chat,” said junior Allany Cordero.

  The team established a strategy that not only brought them closer, but created a new technique that we will see more of in the future. ”We had two quarterbacks this year, I was a quarterback and it was a really fun experience to play around the girls who were trying to get us. We had some really cool plays,” said junior Brianna Pagan. Not only did the team improve as a collective, individual players also sharpened their skills on the field. “My biggest change was playing more positions, last year I did not play many positions then this year so it was a new development I had to learn,” said senior Zaniyah Draper.

   Meanwhile the JV team is experiencing what it’s like to be a new team. Despite their record, this season was special for the girls. “I think it could have been better but we all put our best, there were a lot of first years. Feedback was given to us and we took it so that we can improve for next year,” said freshman Raelyn Gomory. The team wished they had the opportunity to prove themselves further and expressed disappointment with their short-lived season. However, they recognized the value of what they learned. “We learned a lot of new things and wanted to show what we learned, a lot of games got canceled, if we had more games we definitely would have shown out,” said sophomore Cecelia Mojica.


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Dayanara Tinajero
Dayanara Tinajero, Staff Writer
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