The new Saw X movie is a hit, and I would argue the best Saw sequel in years. The movie is set between events of Saw 1 and 2.
In the tenth movie of this series, Jigsaw or John Kramer, played by Tobin Bell travels to Mexico hoping an experimental procedure can cure him from his cancer. However, the operation is revealed to be a scam, leading him to kidnap those responsible and subject them to his trademark death traps and play a “game.”
This movie is definitely not for everybody, the extremely violently graphic nature of the film will disturb some viewers. It was heavy on the blood and the way this man thinks is disturbing; he truly believes that forcing the characters to suffer through this “game” will let them be reborn.
The story set up was done well and while the viewer was left to feel deliberately confused at first, the movie kept building up suspense until the audience was able to connect all the clues at the climactic finish.
My favorite trap was definitely the one Gabriela played by Renata Vaca was placed in because of the irony of his making the trap centered around radiation in response to what he had to go through with his radiation treatment. She was chained up by her arm and foot, suspending her in the air and the radiation machine was directed at her face.
I also was impressed how all the actors were so believable in their scenes, I genuinely thought they were scared for their lives. Gabriela was in tears and she was begging for John not to play his games on her, she was shaking and shocked by everything that was happening.
The movie explores Jigsaw’s revenge and in the end he kills many of those who were involved in the scam. The director, Kevin Greutert, who directed two of the other Saw films, helps lead the film to its success. The plot builds suspense, while also building sympathy for the Jigsaw character by introducing characters who through their exploitation of cancer patients, represent a totally different side of evil.