New Tardy Policy is Right on Time
January 27, 2023
The new semester started with a new system to help minimize the number of students who have been arriving late to class. Principal Tom Ott and UHS administration acknowledged that students were arriving to class late almost every day with little consequence, and decided to enforce a tardy policy after students returned from winter break on January 4, 2023.
Using the Cougar Credit system, points will be deducted if a student is tardy to class and an additional point will be taken if caught in a tardy sweep. Tardy sweeps are one of the new strategies that Principal Ott has included in the tardy policy. They will occur daily in randomized class periods and buildings, in an attempt to motivate students to be on time to all their classes.
In the case that a student has negative Cougar Credit, they will lose the privilege of going to Prom, Grad Bash for seniors, sporting events, pep rallies, and may also be unable to get a parking spot in the student parking lot. Administration hopes that the consequence of losing these privileges will drive students to clean up their act and make it to their classrooms before the bell rings.
Although many students don’t prioritize being on time for their classes, Principal Ott and the administration understand the importance of being on time. “Students don’t take or think their education to be serious until it’s last minute and we are trying to change that mindset. Your education is very serious and it starts now – even to the freshmen, why to get behind when you can stay ahead and make your life easier instead of trying to graduate at the last second,” said Dean Kaylin Nieves.
The new tardy system is receiving positive feedback from the teachers, as students are consistently showing up to class on time. “I think it has been effective so far because it has helped students to be accountable for showing up and being on time to class because there are consequences. students are driven to do things because there are consequences not just because they are good people,” said Veterinary Assisting teacher, Mrs. Kim Acton.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to get all students on board with the tardy policy. “I understand the problem that students are often late to class, but sweeping huge groups of kids up each period to have them sit in student services for up to 20 minutes to end up just giving them a pass to class is outrageous. During that time, they could’ve been in class already. I think this system is doing more harm than good for the student body since it’s taking away from students class time and if they’re seniors, takes away their privileges.” said senior Coralie Delerme.
While they may not like the policy, students have to admit that it has been effective in getting students to class on time. “The tardy system helps me get to my classes faster and more frequently,” said senior Adrian Collado.