University’s Multicultural Night was a Big Hit

University’s annual Multi-Cultural Night hosted by SGA and Latinos in Action, on December 13th.

Ella Bisson, Staff Writer

University’s annual Multi-Cultural Night hosted by SGA and Latinos in Action was a success!    

   Last month, students came together to celebrate the many cultures represented at University High and learn about all their different backgrounds. 

   Senior Joey Gebin and junior Tiffany Vu were the presenters of the night. “I was a little nervous to present at first, but I was glad it pushed me out of my comfort zone. It was definitely a positive experience coming together to make it a great night for everyone,” said Gebin. 

   Poems, dances, speeches, songs, and even a fashion show were among the many performances presented by students. “I really enjoyed rehearsing after school with my classmates and the crowd made the performance super fun. I enjoyed showing others my culture as well as the Spanish culture I am learning about,” said senior Sahil Patel.

    The celebration also included a special appearance from the Raymi dance school of Orlando. “The stories they told of the many Hispanic cultures with their flowing dance movements were truly mesmerizing,” said senior Keten Abebe who planned the event. 

   Many different clubs and classes at University put on performances for the event, including Spanish National Honor Society and the Asian Students Association. Mrs. Rosa Dávila’s AP Spanish Literature class also performed a parade representing historical Hispanic figures. “It was wonderful directing students since I enjoy teaching drama and Spanish. The performance went very well and it was great seeing how much the audience loved it,” said Mrs. Francisca Colón who directed the performance. 

   After all the performances were complete, audience members were encouraged to view the displays of different countries around the world in the courtyard as well as grab a plate of the many cultural foods made by students. “My favorite part of the night was when everyone gathered in the cafeteria for the displays and food. Everyone was able to have a taste of each culture and learn more about them,” said junior Tiffany Vu.